Culture House and Library Concept

December 31, 2021 Simona-Maria Halpern

Culture House and Library Concept

The trademark of the city is the first ancient theater of Larissa, which used to be a place for performances and important discussions. However, the city now lacks functional cultural interests. Ancient Greece was well-known for its interest in culture, history, education, and art. Creating a building suited for a large library, exhibitions, and events such as plays or concerts is a great way of preserving these important values of Greek culture.

The building is inspired by the basic principles and elements of ancient Greek architecture: the golden ratio, peristasis, structures inspired by nature that surround the cella, crepidoma, and the interior garden. These elements are implemented in a modern manner using contemporary construction materials. The open design of the concept is intended to make people feel as if they are outside, surrounded and sheltered by trees.

Nature is what sparked the interest of many famous Greek philosophers, scientists, poets, and artists, inspiring groundbreaking discoveries and breathtaking creations. Therefore, an enclosure inspired by nature in an educational environment is great for inducing a mindset of curiosity and creation.

Moreover, the forests covering the region of Larissa are a famous landmark of the area, highly protected and respected. Trees have a widespread presence in Greek mythology, symbolizing wisdom. The perforated structure surrounding the building, as well as the installation inside the interior garden, evoke the idea of sunlight forming light and shadow, just as it does through natural barriers.

Books are the foundation of knowledge, just as construction structures withstand the weight of an entire building. Thus, the main library, where the entrance to the interior garden is located, combines books and construction structures to express that knowledge is a portal to the secrets of our environment.

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