Octopus Aquarium Concept

December 29, 2021 Simona-Maria Halpern

Octopus Aquarium Concept


The overall hydrodynamic design of the concept is inspired by the shape of the octopus, an aquatic creature that excels in adapting and integrating itself into its surroundings. I believe these are fundamental properties that architecture should always follow.

Octopuses have decentralized brains, which enable their tentacles to act independently from the main brain. Consequently, the whole entity is able to execute different functions simultaneously, much like a building.

Inside the aquarium, the columns resemble the shapes of corals, and the LED ceiling installation creates a form inspired by their organic structure. Corals are the backbone of reefs, supporting whole underwater ecosystems.



Moreover, coral reefs produce a significant amount of oxygen and provide a natural buffer against powerful waves and extreme weather for coastlines, which would not be able to exist otherwise. Unfortunately, recent human activities have become a threat to corals. By integrating structures that resemble corals to support the entire aquarium, we aim to raise awareness of the importance of preserving nature for the well-being of our entire planet.


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